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Redefining Airmanship


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Here, for the first time, is a systematic model of professional airmanship, for all pockets of the aviation community. With this book as a guide, you too will develop the "right stuff" for today's complex world of flight. Step by step, system by system, the book shows you how to: Use history's greatest flyers as role models--and follow in their footsteps; Define standards and measurements for success; Understand specific aspects of airmanship, using case studies and lessons learned; Handle peer pressure, lack of time, and stress; Reduce errors and aid decision-making; Manage risks; Evaluate your own performance; Illuminate a path for self-improvement; Advance your career. Redefining Airmanship gives you a holistic model of good airmanship and shows you how to use that model to measure and improve your performance. Using the book's Individual Improvement Plan, you can increase your confidence. . .develop flight discipline. . .understand your aircraft. . .know your crew's strengths and weaknesses. . .be an effective team manager. . .and achieve your personal best as an airman.