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The $500 Round of Golf


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TAKE OFF, TOUCH DOWN, TEE OFF! If you're a pilot who loves to golf, too, here's a book that lets you combine your passions – and make the most of your time. The $500 Round of Golf lists the best places to land your plane for a quick round of golf, with every airstrip and golf course recommended by pilots for pilots. Written by a long-time aviator and golf enthusiast, The $500 Round of Golf amuses, informs, and:
  • Includes runway information: service, location, etc.
  • Provides golf-course details: quality, style, price, transportation options, and operations
  • Covers the best places to land and golf in all 50 states
  • Reveals how flying to a round of golf offers a bigger, better tax write-off than lunch alone
  • Delivers 50 sure-fire tips to winning weekend golf
  • And much, much more
So the next time you want to fly out and hit the links, hit this book first – The $500 Round of Golf!